Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator

Everything you need to know


Knowing how to properly and efficiently administer your cloud infrastructure is essential to both your and your users’ experiences. In this guide you will learn about the Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate certification and what exams you can take to achieve it.

Real Exam Format and Information

Exam Name Exam Duration Exam Type Number of Questions Exam Fee Eligibility/Pre-Requisite Exam validity Exam Languages

Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification

150 Minutes

Multiple Choice Examination

40 – 60



2 years

English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese

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Microsoft Azure Administrator Salary

The salary estimate could act as the final push you need to start your AZ-104 exam preparation right away! As per Nigel Frank’s Azure Administrator Salary Survey, The average annual salary for an Azure Administrator in the US is $100,000.

 However, it may vary from $80,000 to $125,000 depending on the skill level of the professional. For example, the Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator salary for entry-level professionals is $80,000 annually on average. On the other hand, high-level professionals can get almost $125,000 annually on average.

Ideal Audience for the Exam

The ideal audience for the AZ-104 certification exam is candidates with the aim of becoming an Azure administrator. Candidates having at least six months of hands-on experience in Azure workload administration can appear for this exam. Furthermore, candidates also need promising fluency in governance, security, Azure services, and workloads.

Candidates will have to take on the responsibility of making recommendations for services to achieve ideal performance and scalability. In addition, Azure administrators also have to take care of the implementation, management, and monitoring of the virtual networks, identity, governance, compute, and storage in a cloud environment.

Prerequisites for the Exam

The AZ-104 exam does not present any hardbound rules and requirements for eligibility. However, the following prerequisites can help candidates approach the exam with confidence.

  • Minimum of 6 months of hands-on experience in Azure workload administration.
  • Comprehensive fluency in core Azure services.
  • Knowledge regarding Azure workloads, governance, and security.
  • Expertise in networking, cloud infrastructure, virtualization, storage structures, and operating systems.
  • Experience in the use of Command Line Interface, PowerShell, Azure Portal, and ARM templates.

Candidates should also know that the exam will be available in English language only.

Skills measured

The content of this exam will be updated on November 24, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what will be changing.

  • Manage Azure identities and governance (15-20%)
  • Implement and manage storage (10-15%)
  • Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (25-30%)
  • Configure and manage virtual networking (30-35%)
  • Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%)

Detail and Updated Skills Outline can be taken from Microsoft Exam page here

Microsoft Ignite – Introduction to Exam

Exam Objectives – Links

Manage Azure Identities and Governance (15-20%)

Manage Azure AD Objects Create users and groups

Manage Role-based Access Control (RBAC) Create a custom role

Manage Subscriptions and Governance

Configure Azure policies

Create and manage policies to enforce compliance

Configure resource locks

Lock resources to prevent unexpected changes

Apply tags

Use tags to organize your Azure resources

[Video]: Resource Groups & Tagging

Create and manage resource groups

Manage Azure Resource Manager resource groups

Create Azure resource groups

Move resources

Moving resources to a new resource group or subscription

Remove RGs

Quickstart: Create & deploy ARM templates with Azure portal

Manage subscriptions

Pluralsight Course on Managing Subscriptions

Configure Cost Management

Azure Cost Management overview

Configure management groups

Quickstart: Create a management group

Implement and Manage Storage (10-15%)

Manage Storage Accounts

Configure network access to the storage account

Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks

Create and configure the storage account

Creating an Azure Storage account

Manage storage account access keys

Generate shared access signature

Grant limited access to Azure Storage resources using SAS

Manage access keys

Managing storage account access keys

Implement Azure storage replication

MSDN Blog: Azure Storage Replication Implementation

Configure Azure AD Authentication for a storage account

Acquire a token from Azure AD for authorizing client requests

Manage Data in Azure Storage

Export from Azure job

Azure Export service to export data from Azure Blob storage

Import into Azure job

Azure Import service to import data from Azure Blob storage

Install and use Azure Storage Explorer

Get started with Storage Explorer

Copy data by using AZCopy

Get started with AzCopy

Configure Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage

Create an Azure file share

Creating an Azure file share

Create and configure Azure File Sync service

Deploy Azure File Sync

Configure Azure blob storage

Quickstart: Upload, download & list blobs with the Azure portal

Configure storage tiers for Azure blobs

Azure Blob storage: hot, cool & archive access tiers

Configure blob lifecycle management

Azure Blob Storage lifecycle management generally available

Azure Blob Storage lifecycle management

Configure blob object replication

Object replication for block blobs

Configure object replication for block blobs

Deploy & Manage Azure Compute Resources (25-30%)

Configure VMs for High Availability and Scalability

Configure high availability

Create & deploy highly available VMs by Azure PowerShell

Azure High Availability (Availability Zone) Demo for VM

Deploy and configure scale sets

Quickstart: Create a VM scale set in the Azure portal

A complete walkthrough on Azure VM

Automate Deployment and Configuration of VMs

Modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template

Updating a resource in an ARM template

Configure VHD template

Create a Windows VM from a specialized disk using PowerShell

Deploy from template

Create a Windows VM from an ARM template

Save a deployment as an ARM template

Downloading template for a VM

Automate configuration management by using custom script extensions

Custom Script Extension for Windows

Automate configuration of VM with custom script extension

Create and Configure VMs

Configure Azure Disk Encryption

Quickstart: Create & encrypt a Windows VM with the Azure portal

Move VMs from one resource group to another

Moving Windows VMs between resource groups or subscriptions

Manage VM sizes

Sizes for virtual machines in Azure

Add data discs

Attach a data disk to a Windows VM with PowerShell

Configure networking

Virtual networks and virtual machines in Azure

Redeploy VMs

Redeploy Windows virtual machine to new Azure node

Create and Configure Containers

Create and configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Quickstart: Deploy an AKS cluster using the Azure portal

Create and configure Azure Container Instances (ACI)

Quickstart: Deploy a container instance using the Azure CLI

Create and Configure Web Apps

Create and configure App Service

Quickstart: Create an ASP.NET Core web app in Azure

Create and configure App Service Plans

Manage an App Service plan in Azure

Configure and Manage Virtual Networking (30-35%)

Implement and Manage Virtual Networking

Create and configure VNET peering

Azure VNET Peering Demo

Configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual network

Managing public IP addresses

Configure a private IP address for a VM using the Azure portal

Route network traffic with a route table using the Azure portal

Create, change, or delete a network interface

Add, change, or delete a virtual network subnet

Create, change, or delete a virtual network

Configure Name Resolution

Configure Azure DNS

Quickstart: Create an Azure DNS zone & record with Azure portal

Configure custom DNS settings

Use Azure DNS to provide custom domain settings

Configure a private or public DNS zone

Quickstart: Create an Azure private DNS zone in the Azure portal

Hosting your domain in Azure DNS

Secure Access to Virtual Networks

Create security rules

Work with security rules

Associate an NSG to a subnet or network interface

Associate/dissociate a NSG to/from a subnet/network interface

Evaluate effective security rules

View effective security rules

Deploy and configure Azure Firewall

Deploy & configure Azure Firewall using the Azure portal

Deploy and configure Azure Bastion Service

Create an Azure Bastion host using the portal

Configure Load Balancing

Configure Application Gateway

Direct web traffic with Azure Application Gateway using Azure PowerShell

Configure an internal load balancer

Standard load balancer in the Azure portal

Configure load balancing rules

Create outbound rule configuration

Configure a public load balancer

Load balancing VMs using Azure PowerShell

Troubleshoot load balancing

Troubleshooting Azure Load Balancer

Monitor and Troubleshoot Virtual Networking

Monitor on-premises connectivity

Monitoring On-Premise AD via Azure AD Connect Health

Use Network resource monitoring

Network Performance Monitor Solution in Azure

Use Network Watcher

Create an Azure Network Watcher instance

Troubleshoot external networking

Troubleshooting: An Azure site-to-site VPN connection issues

Troubleshoot virtual network connectivity

Diagnose communication problems using the Azure portal

Integrate an On-premises Network with an Azure Virtual Network

Create and configure Azure VPN Gateway

Create and manage a VPN gateway using PowerShell

Create and configure VPNs

Create a Site-to-Site connection in the Azure portal

Configure ExpressRoute

Create and modify an ExpressRoute circuit

Verify on premises connectivity

Verify a VPN Gateway connection

Configure Azure Virtual WAN

Connect a VPN Gateway to Virtual WAN

Monitor and Back up Azure Resources (10-15%)

Monitor Resources by Using Azure Monitor

Configure and interpret metrics

Metrics in Azure Monitor

Analyze metrics across subscriptions

Advanced features of Azure Metrics Explorer

Configure Log Analytics

Create a Log Analytics workspace in the Azure portal

Manage access to log data & workspaces in Azure Monitor

Implement a Log Analytics workspace

Collect data from Azure virtual machine into Log Analytics

Send resource logs to Log Analytics workspace

Configure diagnostic settings

Create diagnostic settings to send platform logs to Log Analytics

ARM template to collect logs into a Log Analytics workspace

CDN: Send core analytics to Log Analytics

Query and analyze logs

Get started with log queries in Azure Monitor

Save queries

Overview of log queries in Azure Monitor

Create a query

Write and run basic queries

Save a query to the dashboard

Save a query

Interpret graphs

Visualize a log query in Log Analytics

Set up alerts and actions

Create, view & manage metric alerts using Azure Monitor

Create and test alerts

How To Create And Test Azure Monitor Alerts

Create action groups

Create and manage action groups in the Azure portal

View alerts in Azure Monitor

View alerts in Azure portal

Analyze alerts across subscriptions

Manage alert instances with unified alerts

Configure Application Insights

Start Monitoring Your ASP.NET Core Web Application

Implement Backup and Recovery

Configure and review backup reports

Configure Azure Backup reports

Perform backup and restore operations by using Azure Backup

Back up a virtual machine in Azure

How to restore Azure VM data in Azure portal

Create a Recovery Services Vault

Create and configure a Recovery Services vault

Use soft delete to recover Azure VMs

Soft delete for virtual machines in Azure Backup

Create and configure a backup policy

az backup policy

Perform site-to-site recovery by using Azure Site Recovery

Prepare Azure resources for Hyper-V disaster recovery


All Concepts – List

  1. Azure Data centers
  2. Managing Azure Subscriptions
  3. Managing Resource Groups
  4. ARM templates overview
  5. Creating and Setting up Virtual Machines in Azure
  6. High Availability in Azure
  7. Azure BackupAzure Site Recovery
  8. What are Virtual Networksin Azure?
  9. What are Virtual Network Gateways?
  10. What are Express Routes?
  11. Public vs Private IP addresses in Azure
  12. What are network Security Groups?
  13. What are Application Security Groups?
  14. PublicPrivate Azure DNS Zones
  15. Different load balancing options in Azure
  1. Monitoring Network using Network Watcher
  2. What is Azure Active Directory?
  1. Configuring Diagnostic Settings for Azure Resources
  2. Azure Monitor
  3. Cost Management
  4. Role-based Access Control
  5. Managed Identities
  6. Azure Storage

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